
👋 Documenting what I learn and thoughts on what I might learn next.

🌱 Hobbies: Swim/Bike/Run, gardening, space, sustainable strawbale construction

🧑💻 I’m currently learning alot about: nvim using Kickstart as my text editor and TMUX to manage my SSH session. The Online courses I am working on are Python/django, Go and Data Analitics, SQL for Data Science and TestOut’s course for Network+ cert.

💞️💻 Tech Goals: I’m looking to collaborate on creating a real time interactive webpage/app that can showcase a train/hyperloop system and journey for cargo and passangers. Build an API and learn how to monitise APIs. Project: Rasberry PI to become a air monotoring station with Python.

🗺 Random fact: I love Civilization 1.

Video Games and Scotland

I have really enjoyed playing one video game on the steam deck… and its Hogwarts Legacy. Not only is it fun to run around the world of Harry Potter, and be filled with nostalgia, but also it reminds me of Scotland and Edinburgh. When I lived there it was so cold at night and dark… but there were bits of it being brilliant. Some things I miss are pubs, running around the city and how cozy things were....

July 23, 2024 · 1 min

Straw camp

Well I survived. Glad I did not get injured and glad I signed up. Camping in the car for 7 days was not as fun by the end, but I really did enjoy it. Some things I learned: Wear PPE, and buy the cool helmet as its better than getting a hammer on your head. Bring a solar panel as you never know if you will need to charge up a phone more....

July 22, 2024 · 2 min

Video Game Music

I really like my video game music. Whether it was Civ 1 or 2 or later or Doom soundtrack or newer games, its just wonderful. I often listen to it when working out and I sometimes think people don’t often listen to this great music as they do not play any games. I also like listening to DR.DK/LYD and SR.SE and used to listen to BNN.FM and ShonanBeachFM. Otherwise I just love it and am so glad there are such great songs out there....

July 11, 2024 · 1 min

Straw next week

I am really looking forward to a straw bale work camp next week where 30 or so volunteers will help fill in the insulation of between the frames with straw. I am just so happy that I signed up for this so long ago. I think I am more happy in that I am doing things I want to do and going after dreams and things that I want to go after....

July 10, 2024 · 1 min

Cross roads

Well in getting back to study, I am now wondering whether to continue with Network+ or go with CCNA. Main reasons for this is that I feel the CCNA is a bit easier to learn. The study materials just make more sense. Also, I am not liking the CompTia Network Plus study materials but rather CCNA by Wendell Odom. A couple more cross roads are: Buy mountain bike or continue with road bike....

July 7, 2024 · 1 min